The Future is bright with suncare SG!

Suncare SG is a charity focused on supporting the well-being of children and youths. Suncare SG’s approach is science-based and research-driven, drawing on the expertise of our board members and partners. We champion the resilience of Singapore’s youths, embracing their challenges with them – academic pressures, intricate relationships, the demands of the digital age and more.

Suncare Logo

The rising SUN in Suncare represents our children and youths and the bright future they have ahead of them. CARE is an acronym for Confidence, Awareness, Resilience and Empowerment –
skills which we hope to equip our children and youths with so they can develop into happy and well-rounded individuals, empowered to achieve their fullest potential.

The Lighthouse by Suncare sg

The Lighthouse by Suncare SG is a children and youth-centric pop-up, sustainable space in Punggol, dedicated to supporting the personal growth and mental well-being of children and youths. It is the first of its kind in Singapore, offering just-in-time community programmes to strengthen socio-emotional competencies and building resilience among our young. We also offer specialised programmes for parents and caregivers to encourage positive parenting and caregiver sensitivity.


Volunteer of You Power
Parent of Primary Schooler

Our Programmes

Let's Play

A Temasek Foundation funded programme focused on promoting strong relational bonds between children aged 0 to 3 years old, and their grandparents or caregivers, thereby improving the social, emotional and cognitive development of the child. Let’s Play is jointly curated with NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine's Centre for Holistic Initiatives for Learning Development (CHILD).

You Matter & You'll Be Alright

You Matter is a youth peer support training programme co-curated with Campus Psy, Singapore Association for Mental Health (SAMH) and Samaritans of Singapore (SOS). It focuses on equipping secondary students with the necessary skills for responding and coping with challenges, and to enable them to be peer supporters to others. You'll Be Alright is an interactive program using drama to help youths explore and express their emotions, enhance self-awareness, and develop a sense of identity, capability, and support.

Other Wellbeing Programmes

We conduct various programmes at The Lighthouse (a child and youth-centric hub in Punggol West). You Shine is an after-school programme enabling youths to befriend others and engage in self-directed learning. You Power is a volunteer-led programme which matches children and youths from underprivileged families with study and personal development mentors. KidStart and KidsRead are playgroups for children from lower-income families to encourage parent-child relationships and community. Triple P Parenting and Purposeful Play provides parenting courses for parents with children across different age groups.